The MDG Executive Sessions for Young Professionals -Thursday & Friday, January 20 & 21, 2011
Location: United Nations Headquarters, New York City
The MDG Executive Sessions is a two-day forum providing an opportunity to network with young working professionals, UN representatives, and corporate leaders at the United Nations. Young Professionals from around the world will participate in panel discussions and case study think tanks about corporate social responsibility, social enterprise development, and capacity building strategies to realize the 8 United Nations Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). The Annual Youth Assembly at the United Nations demonstrates what committed, global youth leaders can and have accomplished in support of the MDGs.
Friendship Ambassadors Foundation has partnered with the International Youth Council on the Youth Assembly at the United Nations
Sam Taylor of Reputation Dynamics will be moderating a panel on behalf of The Friendship Ambassadors Foundation on Friday, January 21st.
A Corporate Perspective on Social Responsibility
The Global Compact and PepsiCo: A Report from the Field
Daniel Bena, Director of Sustainable Development for PepsiCo
Samantha Taylor, In Conversation
Program Highlights:
- Opening & Closing Ceremonies featuring Corporate Social Responsibility and Social Enterprise Leaders and UN Agency Officials
- A presentation about a major new, masters’ level social enterprise scholarship program at NYU, by the Reynolds Foundation
- The announcement of 15 scholarships to Tangshan University in China. The dissemination of these scholarships will be to the world’s poorest and most talented youth. A plan to identify and adjudicate these scholarships will be a subject for discussion and development during the YA
- An overview of MDG successes and challenges by UNDP staff
- Two days of intensive meetings and workshops featuring Harvard case study method reviews of actual MDG programming by corporate CSR and SE leaders, NGO field workers, and UN staff
- Special Conference Reception and optional networking Weekend in New York City: Attend the Executive Sessions – and then stay on to enjoy the City with other YA delegates, all weekend long
Delegate Profile:
- Young professionals, ages 22-26, interested in achieving MDG success
- Youth leaders engaged in UN studies, ages 16-21
- Members of the International Youth Council and other youth organizations focused on the Millennium Development Goals
- Faculty and media seeking an active role in mentoring or chronicling youth led development toward the success of the MDGs
- University-age youth seeking a leadership position during the Youth Assembly next August, especially prospective YA summer interns
Friendship Ambassadors Foundation (FAF) is a nonprofit, tax exempt, 501(c)3 organization that provides meaningful cultural exchange opportunities by promoting peace through the performing arts. It directs and organizes the Youth Assembly at the United Nations on an annual basis. This year, FAF will finance the Youth Assembly and present a special performing arts event as well as offer general background support. For more information -