Working Mother Media WebSeminar Series: “Corporate Social Responsibility’s Role on Improving Women’s Lives Around the World”

Corporate social responsibility (CSR), sustainability and ‘Going Green’ has emerged as a new management paradigm for safeguarding a company’s brand reputation, engaging employees, maintaining customers and driving revenue.  Our leadership in the 21st century is increasingly being defined by innovative approaches that integrate sustainability and profitability. 

Sam Taylor, founder of Reputation Dynamics, will be joined by representatives from Royal Dutch ShellGeneral Mills and Unilever Bangladesh Limited who will discuss their Corporate Social Responsibility programs and how it is impacting women all around the world.

Diversity Best Practices

Diversity Best Practices' Global Best Practice Session provided its members with insights, best practice case studies and interactive discussion structured around three provocative topics:

  • Implementing Global Gender Strategies: Utilizing Metrics and Accountability for Driving Gender Equality,
  • The Workforce and Long-term Implications: Innovative Strategies for People with Disabilities and
  • Corporate Social Responsibility as a Vehicle to Deliver Diversity and Inclusion Results

Featuring Sam Taylor, Founder of Reputation Dynamics

Travel Talk Radio

Live: Broadcast from The Corporate Council on Africa - Business Summit in Washington DC

Samantha Taylor, Principal and Founder of Reputation DynamicsThese days, consumers want a strong moral connection with their favorite brands. They are insistent that the corporations they buy from be more accountable with respect to social and environmental issues on both a continental and global basis. In Africa, these issues include climate change, poverty and AIDS. Find out how "conscious commerce" is playing a pivotal role in the rise of corporate social responsibility.

Travel'n On Radio Show

Live from the US Africa Business Summit

Travel'n On Radio broadcasts live at the US-Africa Business Summit in Washington, DC. The African continent continues to show potential as a leading foreign direct investment destination for American businesses. Travel'n On will explore the increasingly higher levels of investment in industries such as infrastructure, financing, tourism, agribusiness, health, and energy. CBS Travel Editor, Peter Greenberg, also stopped by for a chat.

Sam Taylor. Founder of Reputation Dynamics


The CMO Club

Smarter Approaches to Cause Marketing - Cause Marketing PodCast

Cause Marketing CMO CLUB Roundtable Podcast with Bruce Burtch, CEO - The Cause Marketing Catalyst, Lee Fox, Founder - KooDooZ, and Sam Taylor, Founder - Reputation Dynamics. Three cause marketing experts share insights in a roundtable conversation hosted by Pete Krainik, Founder - The CMO CLUB.

Topics include:
1) CMO worthy definition of Cause Marketing
2) Best resources for measurement
3) Risks and Rewards for non-profits and brands
4) Importance of "brand-fit" between for-profit, not-for-profit, and cause
5) How Cause marketing affects consumer perceptions
6) Emerging causes
7) Closing Recommendations for CMOs.


Samantha Taylor, founder of Reputation Dynamics, says that the “executive needs to be the ‘champion’ within the organization and make it a top-line priority for the CEO agenda. He/she needs to align with core departments who can establish and implement an effective green initiative program (such as technology, HR, marketing and operations). The executive needs to present and illustrate the need for greening — bring the outside realities into the business and show how it starts there.”

Training Magazine

Going forward, Samantha Taylor, founder and president of Reputation Dynamics, a consultancy that helps companies align social responsibility initiatives with nonprofits and nongovern - mental organizations, believes more employees will look to get involved with causes they care about. “People are asking to con- tribute;’ she says, “so if corporations offer opportunities for their employees to volunteer, the appetite is there already:’ “

National Survey on CSR for MENG

“Making a difference has become the new profit driver,” said Samantha Taylor, Founder of Reputation Dynamics, a corporate responsibility advisory services company, and the MENG member who led the survey. “If companies don’t act now and adopt social responsibility strategies, they will be left behind.”